Thursday 16 December 2010

Self development

I wonder if you've ever considered what impression you give others? There's an 'Urban Myth' that says-people make their impression, of you, in the first 60 secs. And I wonder if you wonder what impact changing this impression for the better could make? Could it be that it will benefit you in business? or maybe it will mean people talk about you in a more positive way.

So as you consider changes, consider these points now...

  • Remember to introduce yourself and ask the other person's name.
  • Look them in the eye,smile and remember to speak clearly.
  • Pay attention to what the other person is saying.
  • Ask questions that encourage them to talk about themselves.
  • Be yourself.

The golden rule-dont complicate it, relax and dont try to make a good impression as this can sometimes come across as manipulative.